Publication Details




Parallel Programming Environment for Mesh Generation


Andrey Chernikov, Nikos Chrisochoides and Kevin Barker.


Published in 8th International Conference on Numerical Grid Generation in Computational Field Simulations, pages 805 -- 814, Honolulu, HI, June, 2002




This paper presents a parallel programming environment for mesh generation. Our approach is based on overdecomposition. The programming environment supports: low-latency one-sided communication, global address space in the context of data/object mobility, automatic message forwarding and dynamic load balancing. These are the minimum requirements for developing efficient adaptive parallel mesh generation codes on distributed memory machines and clusters of workstations and PCs. Performance data from a 3-dimensional advancing front mesh generation code designed for crack propagation simulations suggest that the flexibility and general nature of our parallel programming environment does not cause undue overhead.




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